Welcome to Vivaan Assisted Living

Group Home for Adults with Special Needs

VIVAAN is the acronym for Viable Independence and Vocation for Adults with Additional Needs. Established by a group of parents with neuro-diverse children, VIVAAN’s vision and mission is to create an inclusive and sustainable ecosystem for Special Needs Individuals, where they are empowered to live independently and become contributing members of society.

To provide a residential place where differently-abled individuals can live in a safe and engaging environment with assistance and support from staff.

Living Block, Admin Block, Staff Quarters, Guard Room, 8 ft wide Concrete Walking/Cycling Track around site perimeter, 3 Borewells feeding to underground storage tank
16 Rooms w/bathroom, CCTV for rooms & corridors, 10 Rooms fully furnished, Foyer w/TV, sofas, chairs, Entrance ramps w/railings, Medical Room
Entrance ramps w/railings, Spacious Reception w/Restrooms, Skylight, Enclosed Office & Multipurpose Room, Indoor Atrium w/Skylight, 4 Guestrooms on 1st Floor
24/7 Security with overnight vigilance inside Living Block, Resident Site Manager and staff, Professional Cook, Housekeeping staff
Consultant on-boarded for site certification with State authorities, Disability certificates, Legal Guardianship procedures, Consultation initiated for Private Trust
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One of the major requirements in a facility housing individuals with special needs is getting qualified staff who are also by nature caring, loving, patient and empathetic. At Vivaan too, parents are constantly on the lookout for caregivers with the right mindset. The following poem was written by one of the Vivaan mothers, Shoma Biswas, on behalf of all the special residents there. 

To Our Special Caregivers 

Do enter our world!
We’ve kept open the door.
But be prepared first
for what may be in store.

You might greet us warmly
but find some of us withdrawn.
Just give us a little time,
our feelings might yet spawn.

Some have giggling bouts
right out of the blue;
it’s a glut of feelings being released
that inside us do stew.

A few bang heads on the wall,
and might scare you silly.
We do that when frustrated
or just seeking attention willy-nilly.

Sometimes we rock ourselves,
or emit strange sounds,
flap hands, run wild,
be difficult to be around.

It’s okay if you’re disconcerted,
or want to retreat, even flee.
We’re square pegs in round holes;
not everyone’s cup of tea.

We’ll wait for those brave hearts
whom our antics won’t daunt,
who’ll assume the intelligence
that we’re unable to flaunt.

Who won’t define us by our quirks,
but see diamonds in the rough.
Who’ll persevere and stay on
when the going gets tough.

They’ll help us reach our potential
and find our place in the sun.
Such angels are arriving....
There’s hope on the horizon!

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Women have always had the strongest bond with their children. However today’s men are not far behind. This is particularly true of the fathers of our resident boys at Vivaan. They are at the forefront when it comes to envisioning and planning a promising future for the boys while also focusing on bettering their present. The following lines have been penned by Shoma Biswas, a Vivaan parent, on behalf of her autistic son, who shares a close bond with his father.


To Dad, with Love


God made me autistic, I sometimes bear a grudge.

But He chose you as my father, so who am I to judge?!

You love me the way I am, and accept me with respect;

Despite all my oddities, you’ve no embarrassment or regret.

Taking care of my needs, is quite taxing no doubt,

But while my mood swings between extremes, yours is calm throughout.

You exude positivity, and ward off all my gloom;

Your understated love runs deep, I know I’m right to assume.

Being a guy this comes hard, and I may not say this anew:

I love you Dad, in my own way, and have high hopes because of you!

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Our Team

Dr. Narendra Vutla


+91 9582335445

Dr. Amit Biswas


+91 7702001814

Mr. Srinivas Korapati


+91 8008834568

Mr. Rohit Maddineni


+91 7337357547